Lists and tables

Lists and tables are used to display multiple items of data, arranged vertically.

Lists or tables

What is the difference between a list and a table?

Generally, tables should be used if there could be a lot of data and if there are multiple columns. Tables should be used for navigation pages, to increase product consistency. Lists can be used if the items could be displayed in a non-vertical arrangement, for instance as cards, and when there is not likely to be a large number of items.

This table can be used as a guide:

Could be represented as cards in a grid?YesNo
Can have multiple lines per item?YesNo
Do all the items have the same properties?NoYes
Multiple columns?NoYes
Could the items be sorted by multiple aspects?NoYes
Is there likely to be more than 20 items?NoYes
Is the list used for a navigation page?NoYes

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