Tooltips are commonly used to give more information about an icon or button when the user hovers over it. Bear in mind that touch users cannot see tooltips.
Property | Attribute | Required | Description | Type | Default |
delay | delay | false | Wait this number of milliseconds before showing the tooltip. | number | 200 |
disabled | disabled | false | Use to inactivate the tooltip. | boolean | false |
maxW | max-w | false | Set max width of tooltip. Defaults to m-w-xs (20rem / 320px) | number | |
offsetX | offset-x | false | Add horizontal spacing between the tooltip and the trigger element. | number | 10 |
offsetY | offset-y | false | Add vertical spacing between the tooltip and the trigger element. | number | 20 |
position | position | false | Position of the tooltip, relative to the trigger element. | "bottom" | "left" | "right" | "top" | |
positionStrategy | position-strategy | false | Use to override the positioning strategy, which can be helpful in some conditions. | "absolute" | "fixed" | 'absolute' |
Name | Description |
arrow | |
content | |
tooltip |
Depends on
Used by
This documentation page generated from the source at fun-tooltip.tsx